About Us

May Lauren Sweet is a 21-year-old law student who enjoys social card games, painting and spreading right-wing propoganda. She is giving and giving, but can also be very boring and a bit lazy.

She is a Finnish Sikh who defines herself as straight. She is currently at college. studying law.

Physically, May is in good shape. She is average-height with walnut skin, brown hair and brown eyes.

She grew up in a middle class neighbourhood. Her parents separated when she was small, but remained friends and provided a happy, stable home.

She is currently in a relationship with Whitney Kerry Sanders. Whitney is 12 years older than her and works as an electrician.

May has one child with boyfriend Whitney: Kirby aged 1.

May’s best friend is a law student called Brooklyn Rose. They have a very firey friendship. She also hangs around with Deanna Brooks and Chris Torres. They enjoy spreading fake news on Facebook together.